Spilia Barracks
Zavitsanou St
Spilia barracks were built in the 16th century to meet the housing needs of the soldiers. During British rule, they were modified several times and later on, in the late 19th century when the walls were demolished. In their original form, the barracks comprised a three-storey and L-shaped building. On the inside the building is traversed by a long corridor leading to all three floors. The building’s exterior is characterized by rhythmic rows of windows. On the ground floor, the windows are arched and on the rest floors rectangular. A small balcony runs along the first floor while on the second floor the balcony is only to the central part. The building has a pitched roof. Today it houses public services, shops and a bank.
Dark Tourism
Cultural Tourism
Sustainable Tourism
Architectural tourism
Areas of Interest
Venetian Period
Historic Building
Public Services
Short architecture-themed route
It’s a seaside route extending from the Old to the New Fortress
Venetian Rule and the Old Town of Corfu
Famous buildings that after the Union of the Ionian islands with the newly established Greek state (1864) have been used for other purposes
Second route for people with disabilities (extended route)
Narrow passage
Visiting Hours
The inside is not open to the public
This photograph has been created by the Laboratory of Interactive Arts of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University, in the framework of the project "Digital Tour Guide
using Augmented Reality and Holograms", which is co-funded by the European Union, as part of
the Operational Program "Ionian Islands 2014-2020", Integrated Information System: 5031254.
Digital Browse Guide Using Augmented Reality and Holograms

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